
Thursday, 3 November 2011

Problems with Student Finance

Today I found out that my student loan will not be payed for another 6-8 weeks. Yes, that's right. After enrolling back at Uni in September I can finally expect to receive my loan in January.

This has been frankly a complete nightmare, starting from as far back as April. Non-stop phonecalls have been made weekly, only to get told a different story each time. For the last month I've been told that my payment has been processed, and that my money will be in my account within 5 days, only for the 5th day to arrive and still no money. This has happened 3 times.

Now, I've eventually been told that my application has never even been processed.

For the last 2 months I've been completely strung along, getting told a variety of different stories, having to work out which ones are actually true. It is, with respect, a complete and utter joke. All they had to say for themselves was 'all I can do is apologise' whilst not sounding apologetic in the slightest.

This is not the first problem I've had, I actually received last years loan in November. Slightly better than this year, but still bad none the less. That is not the problem however. Mistakes are only human, and I can understand that they have a large volume of applications to get through, but what I can't tolerate is the way they treated me. To constantly mislead me on my application and not bother to inform me when I need to do something, whilst lying to my face and refusing to let me speak to a supervisor is unacceptable .

I'm sure there are many students out there who have had problems with student finance, infact I've heard a few stories myself. They need to come up with a new way of dealing with problems like this, and fast.

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